Talks 68 Workshops 10 Speakers 81 El rendimiento Excepcional de Kotlin - Revisión de "Excepcioncita" Severn Everett Backend Developer @ Apiumhub Historia de un desarrollador de Java que se cambia a Go en el contexto de Kubernetes Mauricio Salatino Staff Engineer @ VMware Construyendo un DSL (Domain-Specific Language / Lenguaje específico de dominio) por diversión y provecho Joaquin Azcarate Senior Software Engineer @ Dynatrace Seamless SSO workshop: KEYCLOAK + SPRING + VUE.JS + LDAP Erdem Günay CTO @ Layermark CompletableFuture and its Quirks Grzegorz Piwowarek Lead Architect @ Hazelcast Why You Can’t Buy Cloud Native Holly Cummins Senior Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat Spring For Architects Nate Schutta Architect as a Service @ VMware Choose your own adventure with Spring Security Tim te Beek Senior Software Engineer @ JDriven How to Write an API Gateway Plugin in Java Bobur Umurzokov Developer Advocate for Apache APISIX @ Developer Experience with Java on Kubernetes Thomas Vitale Software Architect @ Systematic De 0 a 100 construyendo monolitos modulares que escalen a microservicios David Gómez G. Developer advocate @ AxonIQ Keep Your Cache Always Fresh with Debezium! Gunnar Morling Senior Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat All test are green? Oh no!! Why it is sometimes good, if a test fails. Birgit Kratz Freelance @ Birgit Kratz Use Testing to Develop Better Software Faster Marit van Dijk Java Developer Advocate @ JetBrains Diagrams as code 2.0 Simon Brown Independent Consultant @ Architectis Demystifying 'event' related software concepts and methodologies Milen Dyankov Developer Advocate @ AxonIQ LGTM - Open Source Monitoring with Loki, Grafana, Tempo, and Mimir Fabian Stäber Sr. Engineering Manager @ Grafana Modern Java microservices in the cloud Andrzej Grzesik git operator @ Revolut Enter Serverless Functions Journey with Quarkus Daniel Oh Senior Principal Developer Advocate @ Red Hat How to be a good Cloud Citizen Alex Soto Bueno Director of Developer Experience @ Red Hat Better Understanding through Bytecode Jason Clark Principal Engineer and Architect @ New Relic Libera la potencia de tus aplicaciones con Micronaut y GraalVM Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal Arnaiz Principal Member of Technical Staff @ Oracle Labs Going Reactive with Helidon! Dmitry Aleksandrov Software Developer @ Sofia Releases determinísticas, reproducibles y sin sorpresas Ixchel Ruiz DA - Senior Software Developer @ JFrog Techniques for a faster JVM start-up Ionut Balosin Software Architect @ Raiffeisen Bank International Approaching OAuth 2 with Spring Security and the new authorization server Laurentiu Spilca Development Lead @ Endava Talent, passion, curiosity, cooperation and a special spirit for discovery Javier Santaolalla Telecommunications ingeneer, writer, educator, Youtuber @ independent Cloud-Native Application Development with MicroProfile Emily Jiang Liberty Cloud Native Architect @ IBM Real-time, real estate listings with Apache Kafka Ferran Galí i Reniu Data Engineer @ Lifull Connect The Hitchhiker’s Guide to a Great Developer Career Helen Scott Developer Advocate @ Jetbrains Artificial Intelligence needs Backend & DevOps to reach the real-world Nerea Luis Mingueza Artificial Engineer Lead @ SNGULAR Shifting Left - Securing Infrastructure as Code Akshita Rastogi Head of Product - Infrastructure and Tooling @ commercetools Java Next - From Amber to Loom, from Panama to Valhalla Nicolai Parlog Java Developer Advocate @ Oracle Scaling Camel to the cloud Otavio Rodolfo Piske Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat Accelerate Serverless Java with GraalVM on AWS (Lambda) Maximilian Schellhorn Solutions Architect @ Amazon Web Services Now is the time: From Java 11 to 17 Ivan Krylov Software enginner @ Apple The Microservices Smackdown: Data Andres Almiray Seasoned Sourceror @ Oracle I Didn't Know JFR Could Do That! Ben Evans Senior Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat What the heck is DevRel? Aurélie Vache DevRel @ OVHcloud Desarrollando aplicaciones de bases de datos con Micronaut Data y GraalVM Graeme Rocher Architect @ Oracle Functional Programming in JVM-based languages Karin-Aleksandra Monoid Senior Software Engineer @ CircleCI Immutability Against The Machine Michał Płachta Software Engineer @ Functional Club Jakarta EE: Community Power and Progress Tanja Obradovic Jakarta EE Program Manager @ Eclipse Foundation Performance Testing Java Applications Pratik Patel Lead Developer Advocate @ Azul Systems Jakarta EE 10 Feature by Feature Ivar Grimstad Jakarta EE Developer Advocate @ Eclipse Foundation El lado oculto del despliegue de modelos IA Isabella Karabasz Data Scientist @ GFT OpenTelemetry Real Life Production Examples Dimitris Finas South EMEA Tech Lead @ Lightstep Event Streaming for the Best of All Worlds Mary Grygleski Streaming Developer Advocate @ DataStax Scaling Camel to the cloud Zineb Bendhiba Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat REACTIVE Una nueva esperanza! Lecciones de una historia de Rendimiento Alberto Salazar CTO @ Advance Latam Addressing the transaction challenge in a cloud-native world Grace Jansen Developer Advocate @ IBM GraphQL-ify your APIs Soham Dasgupta Architect @ Capgemini Netherlands Implementing Kubernetes Operators with Java Operator SDK Attila Mészáros Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat Nuestro viaje a Data Mesh: impulsando los datos en un mundo de microservicios Carlos Saona Vázquez Chief Architect @ Edreams Odigeo Gentle introduction to machine learning algorithms, with examples Guillem Plasencia Gallofré Senior software developer & Data scientist @ Adaptive Financial Consulting Make microservice testing sweet like a honey Ihar Sadounikau Tech Lead @ N26 Java on CRaC: Superfast JVM Application Startup Gerrit Grunwald Senior Developer Advocate @ Azul Systems Del final al principio: Un viaje guiado por métricas Alberto Portilla Casado Backend Tech Lead @ Wallapop Write You An Actor (System) For Great Good! (with JBang, JDK 19, records, pattern matching and virtual threads!) Andrea Peruffo Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat Write You An Actor (System) For Great Good! (with JBang, JDK 19, records, pattern matching and virtual threads!) Edoardo Vacchi Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat Accelerate Serverless Java with GraalVM on AWS (Lambda) Dennis Kieselhorst Senior Solutions Architect @ Amazon Web Services Seguridad en Micronaut® Sergio del Amo Developer Advocate @ Object Computing (Mis)Understanding Cloud-Native Rustam Mehmandarov Chief Engineer @ Computas Spring For Architects Jakub Pilimon Developer Advocate @ VMware What the heck is DevRel? Horacio Gonzalez DevRel Leader @ OVHcloud Del final al principio: Un viaje guiado por métricas Adrián Romero Martin Software Engineer @ Wallapop Bungee jumping to Quarkus, blindfolded but happy María Arias de Reyna Domínguez Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat Event streaming applications with Kafka Streams, Spring Kafka and Actuator (live coding) Ko Turk Java Developer @ adesso Secrets of Performance Tuning Java on Kubernetes Bruno Borges Product Manager, Java@MS @ Microsoft Terrible Rollouts and how to Survive Them Noa Goldman Product Manager @ Rookout Libertad significa que Kubernetes debe desaparecer Viktor Farcic Developer Advocate @ Upbound Stranger Danger: Your Java Attack Surface Just Got Bigger Brian Vermeer Sr. Developer Advocat & Java Champion @ Snyk The Hitchhiker’s Guide to a Great Developer Career Sven Peters Developer Advocate @ Manfred Live Diagramming of Knative Core Concepts Whitney Lee Staff Developer Advocate @ VMware Superman or Ironman - can everyone be a 10x developer? Justin Reock Field CTO and Chief Evangelist @ Gradle Inc El lado oculto del despliegue de modelos IA Julián Sanchez Mota Data Scientist @ GFT Group Dapr: Dinosaur or Developer's Dream? Maarten Mulders IT Architect @ Info Support (Mis)Understanding Cloud-Native Ana-Maria Mihalceanu Developer Advocate @ Red Hat Optimal data warehouse for analytics: Apache Kafka and ClickHouse Olena Kutsenko Developer Advocate @ Aiven To Java 19 and Beyond! Billy Korando Java Developer Advocate @ Oracle DevOps for Java Shops Brian Benz Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft